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Bun venit pe IceGame Romania @ Winter Is Coming
Bine ati venit pe IceGame Romania ! Comunitatea IceGame isi doreste sa devina cel mai indragit forum de gaming si nu numai, exclusiv pentru romani. Daca si tu iti iubesti tara si vrei sa ajuti la dezvoltarea singurului forum dedicat Romanilor de pretutinderi, alatura-te noua ! Nu trebuie decat sa te inregistrezi si poti avea access la toate optiunile acestui forum, cum ar fi:
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IceGame # Community Chat
» Bun venit pe comunitatea IceGame Romania!
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» Va rugam sa pastrati un limbaj decent atat pe chat cat si in postari!
» Daca doresti sa intri in STAFF-ul forumului te asteptam cu o cerere aici!
» Nu faceti spam! Maxim 5 randuri consecutive, riscati warn!
IceGame # Administratie & Dezvoltare
- 153
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- 1.9k
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- 4
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- 15
- posts
- Forum Problem
- By Barlap,
- 17
- posts
- 159
- posts
IceGame # GameTracker Clan
IceGame Romania # Join Clan (637 visits to this link)
IceGame # Voice & Mix Zone
- 1.2k
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- No posts here yet
- 27
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IceGame # San Adreeas Multiplayer
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IceGame # Counter Strike 1.6
- 2.2k
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- 132
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- 17
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- 8
- posts
IceGame # Minecraft
- 5
- posts
Icegame # Suport Servere CS 1.6
- 15
- posts
- 127
- posts
- 191
- posts
- 53
- posts
- 36
- posts
IceGame # Zona Gaming
- 291
- posts
- 12
- posts
- 239
- posts
IceGame # Zona Clanuri
- 25
- posts
- 41
- posts
IceGame # Zona Photoshop
IceGame # Web & IT
- 14
- posts
- 17
- posts
- 36
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- 181
- posts
- 63
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- 3
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IceGame # Divertisment
- 156
- posts
- [Poze] Fzk
- By S u n D e,
- 1.4k
- posts
- 81
- posts
- 249
- posts
- 354
- posts
IceGame # Arhiva
- No posts to show
IceGame # Global Statistics
Who's Online 5 Members, 0 Anonymous, 46 Guests (See full list)
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