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In acest topic, atat membrii cat si staff-ul sunt rugati sa lase un reply aici, o data pe zi cu progresul facut de ei in ziua respectiva, de exemplu: astazi am postat 15 topicuri, am invatat sa fac un anumit lucru...astazi am devenit designer....astazi am luat up, astazi am moderat 20 de topicuri... cred ca ati inteles. 

Aveti dreptul la un singur reply pe zi, daca intre timp mai progresati in acea zi, dati edit si adaugati. 

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Astazi am luat up la Global Moderator, multumesc !



- Am facut 400 de post-uri la Stiati Ca - > 

This is the hidden content, please

- Am creat un regulament si un model la phpBB -> Script-uri - > 
This is the hidden content, please

- Am creat un regulament si un model la phpBB -> Mod-uri - > 
This is the hidden content, please

- Am creat un regulament si un model la phpBB - > Index-uri -> 
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- Am dat lock la toate topic-urile de la Stiati Ca - > 

This is the hidden content, please


- Am dat lock la 26 de post-uri la League Of Legends - > Skinuri -> 

This is the hidden content, please


- Am postat 25 de topic-uri la phpBB - > BB-Code -> 

This is the hidden content, please




                                                                                                                                                                      -IceGame Comunity


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Ieri am primit Global Moderator, multumesc !


-Am facut model-uri noii la Magain IceGame - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 10 post-uri + au primit lock topics - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 50 post-uri + am dat lock topics - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am creat un regulament la Metin 2 Ghiduri , Si am dat lock + lock topics ->

This is the hidden content, please

-Am mutat un topic la arhiva deoarce cineva a facut dublu post ->

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 30 post-uri la Stiati Ca - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 25 post-uri la Prezintate - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 61 post-uri la Stiati Ca...? - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 4 post-uri la Resurse - > Metin2 - > Ghiduri ->

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 30 post-uri la Viata de zi cu zi -> Corpul Uman ->

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis doua post-uri la Plunginuri -> AdminMod ->

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 4 post-uri la Pluginuri -> Pluginuri IceGame ->

This is the hidden content, please

-Am creat un nou model Pluginuri -> Cereri ->

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 29 de topicuri la Resurse -> League Of Legends ->

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 5 de topicuri la Cinema -> Seriale ->

This is the hidden content, please





-Am facut 40 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Auto&Moto - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 6 topicuri Timp Liber - > Auto&Moto - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 6 topicuri la Cinema - > Seriale - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis doua topicuri la Prezintate - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am mutat un topic la arhiva, deoarce nu a respectat un model - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am dat lock la 4 post-uri Cinema -> Filme ->

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 8 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Auto/Moto - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 8 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Auto/Moto - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am sanctionat un membru cu warn pentru limbaj fata de un fondator si pentru limbajul de pe ShoutBox - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis un topic la Cinema - > Seriale - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 5 post-uri la Amuzament - > Bancuri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 5 post-uri la Resurse - > Harti - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 5 post-uri la Resurse - > Harti - >

This is the hidden content, please






-Am dat move la un topic deoarce nu respecta modelul - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis doua post-uri de la Prezintate deoarce au trecut 24 ore - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 5 post-uri la Steam + am facut noi modele - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis doua post-uri la Asistenta Tehnica - > Tutorial - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 5 post-uri la Resurse - > Diverse - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 5 post-uri la Resurse - > Kit-uri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 5 post-uri la Resurse - > Mod-uri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am creat un nou joc la Jocuri forumistice - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am creat un regulament pentru bancuri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 35 post-uri Amuzament - > bancuri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am creat un nou topic Asistenta Forum - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am creat doua topicuri noi Zona Utilizatori - > Warn/UnWarn - >

This is the hidden content, please




-Am inchis 10 post-uri la Cinema - > Actori - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 5 post-uri la Jocuri Forumistice - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 30 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Stiati Ca...? - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis inca 30 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Stiati Ca...? - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis inca 30 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Stiati Ca...? - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut un topic la Linux - > CentOS - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut un post la Linux - > CentOS - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis doua post-uri la Prezintate- >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut noi modele la Ip.Board - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 15 post-uri la Ip.Board - > BBCode-uri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 15 post-uri la Ip.Board - > BBCode-uri - >

This is the hidden content, please





-Am inchis un post la Prezintate - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 8 post-uri - > Amuzament -> Bancuri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 8 post-uri la - > Amuzament - > Bancuri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut un nou post + propunere la Adminstratie Generala - > Sugestii & Propuneri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Lam sanctionat pe H.Alexandru pentru ca face spamming cu reply - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Lam sanctionat pe ComandoVIP pentru ca face spamming cu reply - >

This is the hidden content, please




-Am inchis doua post-uri la Prezintate - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 75 la Timp Liber - > Descoperiri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 7 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Auto/Moto - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 7 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Auto/Moto - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut un regulament + Horscopul Zilnic - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 7 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Horoscop - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 14 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Horscop - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut un model de postare + regulament - > Timp Liber - > Univers - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 7 post-uri la Amuzament - > Bancuri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 7 topicuri la Amuzament - > Bancuri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 7 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Auto/Moto - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 7 topicuri la Timp Liber - > Auto/Moto - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 5 post-uri la Resurse - > Metin2 - > Ghiduri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 5 topicuri la Resurse - > Metin2 - > Ghiduri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 10 post-uri + l-am dat lock, Resurse - > Metin2 - > Ghiduri - >

This is the hidden content, please




-Am inchis un topic la Prezintate - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 9 post-uri + am dat lock Amuzamente - > Bancuri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 18 post-uri + am dat lock , Resruse - > Metin 2 - > Ghiduri - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 200 post-uri + l-am dat lock - > Stitri Gaming - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 10 post-uri la Viata de zi cu zi - > Santate - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Astazi am facut 900 post-uri !!!





-Am inchis un post la prezintate - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Astai am facut 100 post-uri la Stiri Gaming - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 100 post-uri la Stiri Gaming - >

This is the hidden content, please



-Am facut 30 post-uri la Ip.Board - > Tutoriale - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 30 post-uri la Ip.Board - Tutoraile - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am facut 30 post-uri la Linux - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 30 post-uri la Liunx - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am terminat saricinile lui ftw care l-am primit.




-Am inchis 20 post-uri la Cinema - > Actori - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 21 post-uri la Cinema - > Filme - >

This is the hidden content, please

-Am inchis 24 post-uri la Timp Liber - > Descoperiri - >

This is the hidden content, please



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- Am editat numele la 400 de post-uri la Stiati Ca - > 

This is the hidden content, please


- Am dat lock la toate topic-urile de la Suport Servere CS 1.6 - > Resurse - > Harti - >  

This is the hidden content, please


- Astazi am facut in total 60 de posturi.




                                                                                                                                         -IceGame Comunity


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-Astazi am ajutat 2 membri noi 

-Astazi am facut 13 posturi 






                                                                                       -IceGame Comunity




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-Astazi am facut 50 de posturi

-Astazi am ajutat un membru nou 







                                                          -IceGame Comunity





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