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Locked Pinned [ FURIEN ] Model BANLIST


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Modelul unui Banlist:
1. Numele Adminului
2. Nick codat :
3. Ip :
4. SteamID :
5. Data :
6. Motiv :
7. Dovada(demo/ss) :


Toti adminii trebuie sa detina Ban-list,în caz contrar riscati sa fiti sanctionati.
Respectati modelul de fiecare data când postati un BAN.
Fiecare admin trebuie sa îsi deschida propriul topic unde îsi va posta toate ban-urile . 

The pattern of a ban-list:
1. Nick Admin
2. Nick coded:
3. Ip:
4. SteamID:
5. Date:
6. Theme:
7. Proof (demo / ss):

All the admins must hold the Ban-list, otherwise you risk being sanctioned.
Follow the pattern every time you post a BAN.
Every admin needs to open his own topic where he will post all his bans.

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